Cosmetic Dentist in Midtown

Vivos Appliance

Q: What are Epigenetic Orthodontics?

A: Epigenetic orthodontics uses a person’s own genes to correct and straighten the teeth without the use of force brackets

The Daytime Nighttime Appliance (DNA) or the mandibular reposition nighttime appliance (mRNA) are other ways Dr. Chen and her team can straighten your teeth, alleviate symptoms of TMJ and even permanently reduce sleep apnea and snoring. The DNA and mRNA are designed to enhance the development and function of underlying jaw and nasal structures and have been proven to be very effective at treating an array of conditions.

These appliance allows:

  • Discrete evening and sleep-time wear
  • Improvement in teeth alignment in adults and children
  • Improve or prevent sleep apnea and snoring
  • Improve TMJ symptoms (non-surgically)
  • Comfortable to wear, no pain, pressure or discomfort
  • Non-surgical airway remodeling
  • Improved sinus development
  • Broader, fuller smile
  • Enhanced facial development
  • Non-surgical facelift
  • Correct bad bite relationships
  • Can be very effective in children who need upper arch expansion

DNA and mRNA Appliance For Sleep Apnea

Would you ever think that it was possible to use your own genes and your body’s own natural reaction to treat sleep apnea? Although it seems like science fiction, the introduction of the DNA, mRNA and appliances like it into the dental world, has brought about an entirely new treatment option for permanently treating sleep apnea.

While Mandibular Advancement Device oral appliances work effectively in treating the condition, the DNA and mRNA can permanently improve it by reshaping the inside arches of the mouth to increase the airway and prevent obstruction. What makes the DNA and mRNA unique is that this is all done non-surgically. In fact, the appliance does not have to be worn 24 hours a day but instead, it is worn in the evening and while the patient sleeps.

The DNA and mRNA appliance gently expands the upper arch in three dimensions, which in turn also increases the size of the nasal cavity. As the upper arch is expanded, the lower jaw can move forward into a more natural position. As the jaw moves forward, it pulls on the tongue and soft tissues thus increasing the size of the airway. The result is a dramatic improvement in the patients’ ability to breathe.

The Vivos DNA and mRNA System is a proprietary set of oral appliances that incorporate a patented technology that can remodel and restore the human airway to a more normal state. It is a non-evasive, virtually pain free approach. Upon successful completion of Vivos treatment, patients often report no further need for other traditional ongoing nightly treatments.

Contact us now to learn more if you or your loved one is a good candidate for the Vivos System

Orthopedic Orthodontics

Due to developmental problems in childhood, many patients have misshapen or underdeveloped mid-facial bones including the maxilla, which usually manifest itself as a narrow upper arch in the mouth.

This means there is NOT a lot of room for the tongue and other soft tissues of the mouth, so a patient’s airway can easily become obstructed. With the use of the DNA or mRNA, these structural problems can be fixed by promoting new bone growth, even in adults!

The main concept behind the DNA and mRNA appliance is that we are all born with genes that promote perfect alignment of the facial, mouth and jaw bones. However, certain environmental factors. Such as excessive thumb sucking, excessive bottle feeding and many others can stunt the bone growth or manipulate it entirely, which then causes the bones to not form correctly. The DNA aims to fix these problems by putting a set amount of pressure on the target area, which then alerts the body to grow more bone in these areas. The induction of new bone growth often allows for the fix needed to expand the maxilla, therefore creating a wider smile and room for teeth to move into better alignment. It also helps fix any problems within the mid-facial bones that may be causing airway obstruction, sagging of the face or narrow arches.

The mRNA appliance is FDA approved to treat mild, moderate and severe sleep apnea at the root cause. This means structurally growing the airway to eliminate the need for machines like the cpap.

Facial Development

The DNA and mRNA are unique because it was not only developed to lessen OSA, it also straightens teeth and improves the upper airway. By improving the upper airway through an increase in facial volume, a cosmetic benefit of facial feature balancing occurs. This can give a lifting result similar to what is found with an injectable or filler such Juvederm or Radiesse, but this is a natural permanent solution that does not require injections or surgery. Some patients have even reported this is much like a “non-surgical facelift.”

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